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Internet Beyond Megapolis – Lunch Talk mit Polina Kolozaridi

Am 7. August findet ein öffentlicher Brown-bag Lunch in der Küche des Instituts statt. Polina Kolozaridi, Koordinatorin des Club for Internet and Society Enthusiasts in Moskau, beschäftigt sich mit unterschiedlichen Formen der Internetnutzung in Russland. Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt, weitere Informationen und die Möglichkeit zur Anmeldung untenstehend.

O P E N    B R O W N – B A G   L U N C H

Lunch talk with Polina Kolozaridi:
Internet beyond megapolis – cases and research from Russia

Monday, 7 August 2017 · 1pm · HIIG Kitchen

Russia is not only a huge country, but it is also very diverse in the way of how people use internet there. The Club for Internet and Society Enthusiasts had launched a research project aimed at understanding this diversity. They study internet history in each city, actors and infrastructure participating in construction of the internet and rules.

At the presentation Polina will bring some cases from different Russian regions: from Siberia to Caucasus and discuss theoretical and methodological challenges provided by this research. We shall also talk about internet studies as a research field in Russia.

Polina Kolozaridi, coordinator of the Club for Internet and Society Enthusiasts, holds a PhD in sociology and is a researcher at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow.

The lunch talk is open to the public, please register via the form below.

Datum der Veranstaltung

07.08.2017 | 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm ical | gcal


Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft,  Französische Straße 9,  10117 Berlin


Katrin Werner

Former Coordinator for Science Communication and Fundraising

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