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Open Journal Club with Julian Oliver

On the 3rd of July, Julian Oliver will be a special guest at the HIIG Journal Club.

Julian Oliver is a Critical Engineer and artist. His projects such as for example The Transparency Grande, Border Bumping and Newstweek (Golden Nica @Prix Ars Electronica 2011) offer a critical perspective on the interactions between technology and society.
On Wednesday, the 3rd of July, Julian Oliver will present his projects in the context of Critical Engineering.

The Journal Club is a weekly event at the HIIG where researchers discuss interesting publications. On Wednesday we open up our doors to a wider audience – you are welcome to join the discussion!

The talk will be held in English.

Datum der Veranstaltung

03.07.2013 | 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm ical | gcal


Ehemalige Institutsräume des HIIG | Raum E27,  Bebelplatz 1,  10117 Berlin


Larissa Wunderlich

Visual Communication

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