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Startup Clinics Talk: Die App-Economy in Europa | Workshop

1,64 Millionen Jobs in der App-Economy, Tendenz steigend. Eine beachtliche Zahl die für einen wachsenden Markt steht. Doch wie verteilen sich die Jobs innerhalb Europas? Und wo liegen Herausforderungen und Potentiale für die Berliner Software-Branche?

Dr. Michael Mandel vom Washingtoner Progressive Policy Institute stellt am 09. Juni — zur besten mittäglichen Pausenzeit — die Ergebnisse ihrer Studie zur App-Economy in Europa vor. Gefolgt von einer offenen Diskussion, die von HIIG-Forscher Martin Wrobel moderiert wird. Die Diskussion findet auf Englisch statt. Da die Plätze limitiert sind, wird zwingend um eine Anmeldung gebeten.

The App Economy in Eurpope — leading cities and best practices

At our Startup Clinics Talk on 09th June, the Progressive Policy Institute’s chief economic strategist Dr. Michael Mandel will present their study »The App Economy in Europe«. In their report, they estimated that the European Union, plus Switzerland and Norway, has a surprising 1.64 million App Economy jobs as of January 2016—a sign of a growing and vital tech sector. They identified the leading App Economy countries in Europe, and provided a ranking of the top App Economy cities, with London as #1. Germany has five areas, led by Berlin.

Gain insights into the PPI’s analysis of Europe’s software ecosystem, and discuss how innovation can create jobs globally, but also locally in Berlin. The discussion is led by HIIG researcher Martin Wrobel.

The Progressive Policy Institute is an independent, innovative and high-impact D.C.-based think tank founded in 1989. As the original ‘idea mill’ for President Bill Clinton’s New Democrats, PPI has a long legacy of promoting break-the-mold ideas aimed at economic growth, national security and modern, performance-based government. Today, PPI’s unique mix of political realism and policy innovation continues to make it a leading source of pragmatic and creative ideas.

Dr. Michael Mandel, chief economic strategist of the Progressive Policy Institute and an international expert on innovation-driven growth, will be presenting his recent research on European App Economy employment. He found that Germany was the second leading App Economy country in Europe, measured by jobs, just behind the United Kingdom and ahead of France. Dr. Mandel will also be discussing the role of the Internet of Things in driving German economic growth.

About the series

The Startup Clinics Talks (SCT) were developed for those interested in learning from some of Berlin’s top startup minds. We organize a series of local events with experts in the areas of HR, Management, Finance, Law, Sales, Business Modeling and more. Experts will range from experienced entrepreneurs to professionals with years of domain expertise. Join us and connect with fellow entrepreneurs, and experts who are eager to learn about your startup. For more information please visit www.startup-clinics.com. This series is organized by a group of doctoral researchers from the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society.

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Datum der Veranstaltung

09.06.2016 | 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm ical | gcal


Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft,  Französische Straße 9,  10117 Berlin


Larissa Wunderlich

Visual Communication


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