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Startup Clinics Talk: Sales for Startups | Workshop

Die Startup Clinics Talks (SCT) sind eine Reihe der HIIG Startup Clinics. In den SCT sprechen Experten aus verschiedenen Bereichen wie zum Beispiel Management, Personal, Finanzen, Recht, Vertrieb oder Geschäftsmodellentwicklung und geben ihre Erfahrungen an Gründer und die Berliner Startup-Szene weiter. Die englische Eventbeschreibung sehen Sie im folgenden. Da die Plätze limitiert sind, registrieren Sie sich bitte hier.

Sales for Startups: Four Experts Offer Tips & Advice.

According to the Startup Genome Report customer acquisition is the No. 1 challenge for Internet startups in all stages. For many startups with a B2B focus, sales is the major success factor right from the beginning. Therefore we invited four experts with different perspectives on the topic who shared their valuable experiences with the audience present. Our aim was to host an event where like-minded entrepreneurs, startup teams and individuals interested in sales can meet in an informal setting.


  • Ayesheh-Colette Carta (Founder, Wendero)
  • Angela Wiesenmüller (Director Marketing DACH, Meltwater)
  • Dominic Blank (Founder, POSpulse)
  • Mani Pirouz (Regional Director, Kenshoo)


7:00 p.mWelcome and Intro to Startup Clinics
7:10 p.mShort Expert Talks with Q&As
8:00 p.mNetworking

About The Series

The Startup Clinics Talks (SCT) were developed for those interested in learning from some of Berlin’s top startup minds. We organize a series of local events with experts in the areas of HR, Management, Finance, Law, Sales, Business Modeling and more. Experts will range from experienced entrepreneurs to professionals with years of domain expertise. Join us and connect with fellow entrepreneurs, and experts who are eager to learn about your startup. For more information please visit www.startup-clinics.com. This series is organized by a group of doctoral researchers from the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society.

Datum der Veranstaltung

05.02.2015 | 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm ical | gcal


Ehemalige Institutsräume des HIIG | Raum E27,  Bebelplatz 1,  10117 Berlin


Konstanze Neumann

Former Student Assistant: Internet-enabled Innovation

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