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Startup-Clinics Talks über Eingliedern von Talenten mit KPMG


Die Startup Clinics Talks (SCT) sind eine Reihe der HIIG Startup-Clinics. In den SCTs sprechen Experten aus den Bereichen HR, Management, Finanzen, Recht, Sales und Business Modeling und geben ihre Erfahrungen an Gründer und die Berliner Startup Szene weiter. Die englische Einladung zum nächsten SCT sehen Sie im folgenden.

To utilize in the most efficient way the talents and the energy of the employees, it is crucial your company is well prepared with onboarding initiatives for the new joiners. Later on well organized HR topics and HR processes will help the management to run people topics smoothly, keep the talents retained and motivated.
Employee Participation Plans are – especially among startup companies – commonly used as a motivation tool and as delayed remuneration for the already existing employees. Such plans can also create new recruitment opportunities by providing strong incentives for talents to join a startup.

In this talk Valerie Wilms (Tax) and Stefan Kimmel (Legal) will give you an overview over the most relevant Employee Participation Plans (including the respective legal and tax aspects) and will show you how these plans can be efficiently used as a recruitment tool.

Mathias Weigert (HR) and Maggie Jablonska (HR) will share their experiences, what HR topics you should focus on and how to handle them in a simple and practicable way, depending on which phase of the lifecycle your company is at.

The Speakers

  • Mathias Weigert (Director at KPMG HR Consulting)
  • Maggie Jablonska (Manager at KPMG HR Consulting)
  • Valerie Wilms (Manager at KPMG Corporate Tax)
  • Stefan Kimmel (Senior Manager at KPMG Law)

01KPMG_Mathias-Weigert 02KPMG_Maggie-Jablonska
03KPMG_Valerie-Wilms 04KPMG_Stefan-Kimmel

KPMG’s Smart Start Team has set itself the task of supporting entrepreneurs in getting their businesses up and running. We have a sound understanding of the typical challenges that arise in the lifecycle of a start-up and a deep overview on “market-standards”. Our team, consisting of recruiters, tax advisors, auditors and lawyers, helps you starting your own company on the basis of a good idea and leading it to success.


07:00 pmIntroduction
07:15 pmKPMG Team: To become employer of choice for the best talents at the market
08:00 pmInteractive Discussion and Q&A
08:30 pmNetworking

Startup Clinics Talks

The SCT were developed for those interested in learning from some of Berlin’s top startup minds. We organize a series of local events with experts in the areas of HR, Management, Finance, Law, Sales, Business Modeling and more. Experts will range from experienced entrepreneurs to professionals with years of domain expertise. Join us and connect with fellow entrepreneurs, and experts who are eager to learn about your startup. For more information please visit www.startup-clinics.com. Since seats are limited, please register here if you would like to join the next SCT.



Datum der Veranstaltung

27.05.2014 | 7.00 pm – 10.00 pm ical | gcal


Ehemalige Institutsräume des HIIG | Raum E27,  Bebelplatz 1,  10117 Berlin


Constantin Hoferer

Ehem. Studentischer Mitarbeiter: Kommunikation und Wissenstransfer

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