The basis of all good? New regulatory tools in DSA & Co.
Die Network of Centers (NoC) Learning Call Reihe wird mit ihrer zweiten Ausgabe fortgesetzt. Samson Esayas und Milos Novovic werden den Kern des DSA, seinen systemischen Ansatz zur Plattformregulierung und schrittweisen Regulierungsstrukturen beleuchten. Die Veranstaltung findet ausschließlich online und in englischer Sprache statt.
The basis of all good?
New regulatory tools in DSA & Co.
NoC Learning Call with Samson Esayas and Milos Novovic
Tuesday, 27 February 2024 | 2.00 pm – 3.00 pm (CET)
Online-only (Zoom)
European legislation on digital platforms is emerging rapidly. The DSA, accompanied by AI Act, DMA and the P2B Regulation follow an incremental regulatory structure that seems to spread throughout legislation on digital matters. In the second edition of the NoC Learning Call Series 2024, Samson Esayas and Milos Novovic from the Norwegian Business School in Oslo will explain the regulatory structures, their benefits for digital regulation and where to be careful with such regulatory tools. We will then open up for a discussion within our group of international colleagues to learn about your experience with new regulatory tools in your country. This session of the learning call will be the first of three iterations on the DSA.
This event is part of the DSA research network project.
About the NoC Learning Call series
The NoC Learning Call series has been relaunched in 2024 to bring members of the network of centers together once a month to learn something new about the work within the network. We will hear new insights and discuss a wide range of topics with leading experts in the field. Due to the truly global nature of the NoC, we focus on the different continental and national perspectives on particular topics and try to think a little outside the box. Join us every last Tuesday of the month at 1pm CET for lively discussions and new insights on current topics. Upcoming events will focus on issues around DSA and its global implications, as well as the technological and societal change we can expect from quantum computing.
Dr. Samson Esayas is an associate professor at BI Norwegian Business School with a teaching experience in wide range of topics including privacy and data protection, LegalTech, Internet governance, and EU competition law at BI, the University of Oslo and Queen Mary University of London. His research focuses on the interplay between law, technology and markets as regulatory tools, with a particular emphasis on the intersection between data privacy and competition law. An outstanding academic background and significant experience working on several EU and Norwegian government financed projects dealing with legal aspects of cloud computing services, legal and compliance risk management, and the governance of critical Internet infrastructures.
Dr. Miloš Novović is an associate professor of law at BI Norwegian Business School, specializing in law and technology. He is responsible for several courses on privacy and data protection, as well as legal tech courses covering issues such as digital contracts, copyright, AI and digital platforms. His teaching and research interests also include international commercial contracts and arbitration law. His PhD in law from University of Oslo dealt with issues of copyright, contract and private international law issues stemming from copyright-related terms of use agreements offered by largest online companies.
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