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Fostering and hindering factors — success of early stage internet-enabled startups

Author: Richter, N., Schildhauer, T., Neumann, K., & Volquartz, L.
Published in:
Year: 2016
Type: Working paper

New market entrants like startups are important for producing radical and disruptive innovation. Radical innovation is needed to compete in markets that may be highly disrupted by the internet, mobile computing, social media and other new technology platforms. In our research we have identified the main enabling and hindering factors for internet-enabled startups in Berlin via an assessment methodology. Deriving from interviews with 197 startup teams we were able to find 112 assessments directly dealing with fostering and hindering factors and a total of 39 factors, twelve of which seem to play an important fostering and hindering role. The data enables policy makers to guide their decisions and to improve the overall startup community in Berlin and Germany.

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Connected HIIG researchers

Anna Nancy Richter, Prof. Dr.

Assoziierte Forscherin: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Gesellschaft

Konstanze Neumann

Ehem. Studentische Mitarbeiterin: Internetbasierte Innovation

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