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Towards a Global Framework for Cyber Peace and Digital Cooperation. An Agenda for the 2020s

Author: Kleinwächter, W. & Kettemann, M.C. & Senges, M. (Eds.)
Published in: Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology
Year: 2019
Type: Edited works and special issues

The title is the message: We live in the age of „digital interdependence“, says the Final Report of the UN High Level Panel on Digital Cooperation (HLP.DC). Since the days of the UN World Summit on the Information Society (2002 – 2005) the world has changed. Two decades ago, we discussed the Internet revolution. This was seen more as a technical issue with some political implications. Today, digitalization has penetrated all areas of life and there is less and less difference anymore between offline and online. Cyberspace is everywhere.

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