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Making Sense of the Future: New brainteasers for digital futures in the classroom

Author: Efferenn, F., & Bollmann, H. S.
Published in: Digital Society Blog
Year: 2024
Type: Other publications

How do students see our digital society in 20 years’ time? What is important to them and what might they overlook? What visions do they have for fair and sustainable digitalisation? Future literacy is a skill that needs to be learned and practised, just like reading and writing. The new learning toolkit entitled ‘Making Sense of the Future‘ helps teachers to teach in the classroom with brainteasers.

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Connected HIIG researchers

Frederik Efferenn

Leitung Wissenschaftskommunikation

Hanna-Sophie Bollmann

Ehem. Studentische Mitarbeiterin: Ethik der Digitalisierung und NoC

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