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Tech & aging: How to enable independent living with digital innovations

Author: Schildhauer, T., Ulich, A., Winckler, P.
Published in: encore, 2021/2022, 160-167
Year: 2021
Type: Other publications
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5911119

The health and care sector faces a myriad of irresolvable challenges. The questions are manifold: how can your older relatives age on their own terms, in their own home? How can understaffed healthcare facilities support their employees? How can changing demographics and changing needs be addressed? The digitalisation of care can provide important answers in the field of tech and aging.

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Connected HIIG researchers

Pia Winckler

Ehem. Studentische Mitarbeiterin: Digital Urban Center for Aging & Health

Annika Ulich

Ehem. Geschäftsstellenleitung, Wissenschaftliche Koordinatorin und Stakeholdermanagement: Digital Urban Center for Aging and Health e.G. (DUCAH)

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